Making a Family Decision About Window Replacement

April 26, 2022 by


Making a Family Decision About Window Replacement

When you have decided that replacement windows are probably a good idea for your home, that’s a big first step. However, if you are married, you have to get your spouse on board with a project that large. Here are a few ways you can go about talking to your significant other about the window replacement project to get them on board with what you are thinking.

Showcase Safety Replacement Windows Safety Features

It is frustrating to open and close old windows, and they typically look bad, but it’s the safety issues that are a real concern. For example, if your windows can’t be opened, they are hazards because you can’t use them as emergency exits if something were to happen. Or, if the windows open but slam shut suddenly, that can be an issue as well. Show your spouse what is unsafe about your windows, and that might get them over on your side in short order.

Replacement Windows Help Save on Energy Bills

If you are the one who takes care of the household bills, you might know more than your spouse what those old windows are costing you. Show your spouse the energy bills and compare them to bills that you paid in the past. Are they going up fast? Let your spouse in on that fact and the idea that they will only keep going up. If you get new windows, on the other hand, you can save a lot on bills and start to pay yourself back for that initial investment.

Look at Available Windows Together

After you talk about a few things regarding replacement windows, you might want to make an appointment for a no-cost estimate with United Builders. That will help you look at the available replacement windows together with your partner. Daydream a little and think about what improvements you could make to your home. You can talk about the things you would want to be different in your home if you could afford those changes. Looking at the options together can help you to move toward the project in little steps.

Talk About the Benefits of Replacement Windows

There are a lot of benefits to getting new windows, and your spouse might not know about them. You can have a free consultation with the professionals in order to get a list of benefits, or you can list them yourself or just look up items online here. Benefits include things like curb appeal, energy efficiency, higher levels of comfort, and so on. It’s actually a really long list.

Get Into Affordability/Costs

If you are able to get your spouse on board with the fact that your home really does need new windows, you will want to talk about the costs and what you can afford. Remind your spouse as you look over the budget that, in the long run, you will save a lot of money once the replacement windows are installed. Contact the professionals at United Builders for a free consultation and to get a no-obligation estimate.